

Identity Crises. Identity Crises.
(all of this is a wip)

NameKyuu Kimora
Pronounsshe | her
RaceViera (Rava)
Namesday32 Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
GuardianMenphina, the Lover

♡ Has deep jealousy issues, especially other Viera because she doesn't see herself as an equal.♡ Can speak Japanese and English.♡ Originally was an arcanist, before picking up a bow and diving into archery. Was upset she wasn't good at it right away, because she's heard Viera are suppose to be.♡ Her eyes are the opposite of her Azem, part of Persephone's soul living on within her.♡ Struggles with being the Warrior of Light, doesn't believe she deserves it or people should look up to her.♡ Loves to read as an escape, gets lost in the stories, loves a good romance. Or learning something new.♡ Studies magick in her free time. Once got too deep in forbidden magick after losing Haurchefaunt.♡ No last name until after the events of Stormblood.

♡ Likes • reading, daydreaming, sleeping, spicy food, being the warrior of light
X Dislikes • loud extroverts, being told what to do, being the warrior of light
♡ Personality • quiet, introverted, hardheaded, loving, kind



Originating from the jungles of Golmore before she could even call it home due to the Garlean empire burning it down when she was not even a summers old. She then grew up in a small village in Hingashi with an adoptive family. At sixteen summers old she set off on her own in the dead of night, after a choice her sister made, to find a clan of Viera. She journeyed far and wide surviving however she could before landing on the port of Limsa, a gut feeling, a tug leading her towards the land. Ending up looped into the scions and short on gil she stuck around, forming new relationships and a found family she couldn’t bear to leave.(Will add more per expansions when I got the juice.)


The Wayfinders

Vazhi Gah

Sibling like energy as Vazhi constantly teases Kyuu and vice versa. Claiming it to be to help her shyness and help her come out of her shell (it does). Kyuu has a deep respect for Vazhi, even gaining a scar down the middle of her back to save him. They may butt heads a lot on certain decisions, but in the end it simmers to a perfect recipe. ♡

At first Kyuu was put off by A’vett’s forwardness and extroverted energy, shying away from him and blowing him off with a simple wave of her hand. As they got to know each other more Kyuu got very comfortable with A’vett. Spending time in his bed when the nightmares would creep on her and having weekend painting sessions in his room over some wine and good conversation. ♡

A'vett Taaskha

Iljax Ceateux

Iljax was the first Viera that Kyuu was to ever come into contact with. She nearly stalked him, but pen pal letters ended up being the medium. Always being sweet to one another, Iljax giving Kyuu books and her doing the same. Slowly they got closer, cough very close cough forming a relationship that quickly fluttered away as they realized it would never work. Not that it didn’t stop them from remaining close. ♡

Sihna amazed Kyuu from day one of meeting her. Kyuu admires Sihna’s confidence. Knowing she can come to her for almost anything that may be on her mind and that Sihna will be understanding, as well as giving it to her straight with no filler. She’s happy to call her a good friend and family. Kyuu is also Vazhi and Sihna's biggest hype man when it comes to relationship between the two. She just loves love. ♡

Sihna Kahlsuri

The Wayfinders Carrd




Minfilia Warde

The Wayfinders Carrd

Weary and timid of the bright woman who called herself Minfilia, Kyuu planned on running from The Scions as soon as she felt she had the right amount of gil. Minfilia knew this to be what Kyuu was thinking, pulling her aside one day and telling her if she were to leave it would be okay and that she was happy to just get to know her. After the waterworks from Kyuu, she felt determined to stay and actually get to know everyone a little bit better.

Small but mighty, Kyuu is astonished at the little Lala and how much power she truly has. Occasionally asking for a small loan and getting a stern slap on the wrist, though that doesn't stop her.

Tataru Taru

The Wayfinders Carrd

Y'shtola Rhul

The Wayfinders Carrd

Besides Sihna, Y'shtola is the only other person Kyuu feels she can go to to discuss old dusty tomes. She tried once with G'raha, but it didn't have the same comfort. The two of them banter and critique the other for the way they handle magicks, both hypocrites. Kyuu loves tea time with the Miqo regardless, Y'shtola always knowing what to say and making easy conversation.

Kyuu avoided this man at all costs, his flirting being a bit too much for her timid nature. Slowly over time she got closer with Thancred, after Iljax and Vazhi interjected. Thancred now has a better understanding of Kyuu, being more gentle. Upon Thancred meeting Ryne and his Dad Mode coming out, Kyuu wanted nothing more than to bite his head off for his over protectiveness of the young girl.

Thancred Waters

The Wayfinders Carrd

Urianger Augurelt

The Wayfinders Carrd

Though she may not understand everything the man says, Kyuu finds Urianger the most interesting. Probably because of the way he speaks. She sits there for hours and let's him talk and talk and talk. Somehow she doesn't grow tired of it.

Kyuu does her best to be a good role model for Alisaie. Tries to be a little bit braver, a little bit more loud. Which earns a laugh out of Alisaie, who finds Kyuu perfect just the way she is. Though there was the incident where someone got rude with Alisaie which caused Kyuu to get into a near yelling match, the twin joining in with her.

Alisaie Leveilleur

The Wayfinders Carrd

Alphinaud Leveilleur

The Wayfinders Carrd

The events of the Crystal Braves made Kyuu nearly coddle the boy, who wanted none of it. Pushing Kyuu away, she eventually took the hint and started treating him more like an adult than a small child. Except now they fight now like siblings might, both hard-headed in their ways.

"How did this man ever survive on his own?!" Is one of the many questions Kyuu has for the dragoon. Estinien has the same thoughts on the small viera, wondering how she got away and survived so many summers on her own. The two trying to keep the other alive, often bumping heads and grumbling at the other for 'getting in the way' (they literally bumped heads).

Estinien Wyrmblood

The Wayfinders Carrd

G'raha Tia

The Wayfinders Carrd

G'raha is someone Kyuu can go to without fear of judgment. She'll admit at first she was uncomfortable with the Crystal Exarch, suspicious of him and his intentions. After the pieces began to fall away and she figured who he really was, she felt nothing but relief and love for her old friend. Ecstatic to have him join the scions, the two of them always bring the other up on their adventures.


Krile Mayer Baldesion

The Wayfinders Carrd

Lyse (Yda) Hext

The Wayfinders Carrd

Before revealing that Lyse was disguised as her sister, Kyuu formed a deep bond with her. To the point of a small crush, Yda always making Kyuu laugh when she needed it and being the first person she felt that was easy to talk to and bond with. After the reveal Kyuu felt betrayed by what she considered her close friend, which left their relationship to fizzle out. Though they still talk, Kyuu feels a disconnect with Lyse.

Kyuu never got close to big papa (I need to do NG+, I know I liked him.)

Papalymo Totolymo

The Wayfinders Carrd



Mother • Still Working On.
Father • Still Working On.
Yota Kimora • Golden Retriever.
Nanami Kimora • Cat.



Emet-Selch | Hades

The Wayfinders Carrd

When they first met on The First, Kyuu felt a strange tug / attraction towards Emet-Selch. The more he would appear along their travels, the more she was left with the feeling of wanting him to stay longer. She didn't know how to explain these feelings and felt terrible about them, especially after the events around G'raha. After defeating Hades, she locked herself in her room for a week and mourned. Upon meeting him again in Elpis it became more clear that in her past life that the two were 'soul-mates' (not much to her surprise). She savored the times she got to spend with him while in the past, never wanting it to end, almost jealous of her 'past life'.

With all the conflicting feelings inside of Kyuu in Elpis, Hythlodaeus felt like her rock. She and him were quick to get along with one another and she found comfort within their friendship. She spoke to him about Emet a lot and he would listen with a smile on his face, almost knowing.


The Wayfinders Carrd


The Wayfinders Carrd

Upon first meeting Venat, Kyuu felt a tinge of jealousy. Mostly due to the fact how close she and Emet were. Venat was quick to pick up on this jealousy and teased Kyuu playfully about it. As more time went on in Elpis, Kyuu began to love Venat fondly as a friend, feeling as though they had been friends for centuries.



Haurchefant Greystone

The Wayfinders Carrd

A bright light in dark times, Haurchefaunt's death was the first time Kyuu realized people will for her and that her actions have consequences. She believed herself to be a terrible person for letting it happen. Causing her to pick necromancy in secret, thinking if she brings him back that it will fix things.

My God this man is attractive - Kyuu Kimora upon first seeing Aymeric. So the first big crush she's had in awhile happened... until she actually got to know him. Sure he's nice, but he didn't really excite her like she hoped he would, also he took way too long! What was that dinner about anyways?! (He was going to admit he had a crush on her, but alas.)

Aymeric de Borel

The Wayfinders Carrd

Ryne Waters

The Wayfinders Carrd

Protect at all costs, but also let her experience life. Kyuu wanted nothing more than to show Ryne all the exciting things of the world, much to Thancred's annoyance. Kyuu is extremely proud of everything Ryne has been able to achieve and wants to visit her nearly every weekend.

Imposter Syndrome, but also he's kinda cool and gave her a confidence boost. But it should have been him, not her.

Ardbert Hylfyst

The Wayfinders Carrd


Persephone is the reason The Wayfinders were able to find each other in this new lifetime, their souls (and Hades) intertwined by her hands. An eccentric woman with a love and interest in souls, the lover of Hades, Persephone wove the future for Kyuu. A version of Kyuu once being a familiar of Persephone to which she split half her soul (her right eye) and gave it to the familiar, to live on in another time.



Hi I'm Lucy and I hate talking about myself :) Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my carrd, it means a lot 🎔• I'm 29 and happily engaged to someone!
• I stream on Twitch sometimes, I'm a vTuber ma! Working retail makes it hard to be consistent...
• Wayfinders is a group of my actual friend's WoLs and mine! It's not just one person or two or three! Every character in core Wayfinders belongs to one person, please check us all out!
• I have 4 cats and 2 ferrets, I'm running a damn zoo :)
• I'm down for certain collabs with mutuals 🎔